Building the installer
The installer used in ALG is calamares. Calamares is a distribution independent operating system installer framework. It's written in C++/Qt. This document will show you how to setup calamares. Calamares has a comprehensive guide on it's wiki.
Building Calamares
Calamares needs to be compiled(built). Calamares can be built in the following steps. More details can be found on the calamares wiki, linked above.
$ git clone
$ mkdir calamares/build
$ cd calamares/build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
$ make
Calamares can then be run either of the following ways
$ ./calamares -d
$ sudo ./calamares -d
$ pkexec ./calamares -d
Packaging calamares for ALG
In order to be used by the Arch Build System, calamares needs to be packaged. A package is a precompiled binary, that can be put on a repository and downloaded when building the ISO.
Get the PKGBUILD file
The PKGBUILD file used for calamares in ALG is shown below. Copy & save it in a file named PKGBUILD
#calamares PKGBUILD for Arch Linux GUI
pkgdesc='Distribution-independent installer framework'
depends=('kconfig' 'kcoreaddons' 'kiconthemes' 'ki18n' 'kio' 'solid' 'yaml-cpp' 'kpmcore' 'mkinitcpio-openswap'
'boost-libs' 'ckbcomp' 'hwinfo' 'qt5-svg' 'polkit-qt5' 'gtk-update-icon-cache' 'plasma-framework'
'qt5-xmlpatterns' 'squashfs-tools' 'libpwquality' 'boost') # 'pythonqt>=3.2')
makedepends=('extra-cmake-modules' 'qt5-tools' 'qt5-translations' 'git' 'boost')
prepare() {
cd ${srcdir}/calamares-${pkgver}
sed -i -e 's/"Install configuration files" OFF/"Install configuration files" ON/' CMakeLists.txt
sed -i -e 's/# DEBUG_FILESYSTEMS/DEBUG_FILESYSTEMS/' "$srcdir/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/CMakeLists.txt"
# modify desktop file
sed -i -e 's#Exec=sh.*#Exec=sh -c "/etc/calamares/"#g' "$srcdir/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/calamares.desktop"
sed -i -e 's#Name=.*#Name=Install Arch Linux#g' "$srcdir/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/calamares.desktop"
sed -i -e 's#GenericName=.*#GenericName=Arch Linux Installer#g' "$srcdir/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/calamares.desktop"
sed -i -e 's#Icon=.*#Icon=archlinux-logo#g' "$srcdir/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/calamares.desktop"
sed -i -e 's#Comment=.*#Comment=Arch Linux Installer#g' "$srcdir/${pkgname}-${pkgver}/calamares.desktop"
# patches here
# change version
_ver="$(cat CMakeLists.txt | grep -m3 -e " VERSION" | grep -o "[[:digit:]]*" | xargs | sed s'/ /./g')"
printf 'Version: %s-%s' "${_ver}" "${pkgrel}"
sed -i -e "s|\${CALAMARES_VERSION_MAJOR}.\${CALAMARES_VERSION_MINOR}.\${CALAMARES_VERSION_PATCH}|${_ver}-${pkgrel}|g" CMakeLists.txt
build() {
cd ${srcdir}/calamares-${pkgver}
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake .. \
-DSKIP_MODULES="tracking webview interactiveterminal initramfs \
initramfscfg dracut dracutlukscfg \
dummyprocess dummypython dummycpp \
dummypythonqt services-openrc"
package() {
cd ${srcdir}/calamares-${pkgver}/build
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
Making the calamares package
In order to make the calamares package for ALG, install the following packages:
sudo pacman -Sy yaml-cpp kpmcore hwinfo qt5-xmlpatterns libpwquality qt5-translations extra-cmake-modules squashfs-tools boost
The following packages are in the AUR. You can install them with yay or paru.
paru -S mkinitcpio-openswap ckbcomp
You can skip installing required packages manually and directly install them while building
AUR packages might not install this way
Make sure you run the following command in the directory containing the PKGBUILD.
makepkg -sc
Make compilation faster
Make compilation faster by using all CPU threads availble on host system. In makepkg.conf allocate all cores like this. Make sure you uncomment MAKEFLAGS
Undertand the yield
Once compilation is done, makepkg will yield the package itself and some other files. A package should be a tarball in .zstd format. You should see something like:
The pkg
folder contains the uncompressed tarball and src
contains the cloned repository. Make sure you cleanup this folder when making a new package. This package can be deployed on any repository.